BaddDDD Sonia Sanchez's Roses

The above film still & the following quotes were taken from 1:13:27-1:15:03.
I’m thinking about how Sonia Sanchez took a brief moment of her day to admire her flourishing roses. She admires the pink blooms before humming a tune as she walks to her grocery store in Philly. Then, she asks a grocery clerk to grab her the green tea from the top shelf. Speaking to herself she says “Some hummus. some corn.” As the viewer watches Sonia check out, a voiceover of her voice is playing above the video footage.
“Many years ago, I was really exhausted from all the work that I do. And I just was not moving, just basically not moving at all. And somebody turned me on to this woman who practiced Western and Eastern medicine. She said that all of my chakras were closed except for the one in my head. She told me I should eat macrobiotically because it would give me the energy that I need to continue what I do.”
Roses (flower) admiration
Humming a tune
Green tea
Some hummus
Some corn
These are some of the things from this scene that show the viewer what practices sustain Sonia. What things are sustaining you right now? What do you need energy to continue to do?
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